Meditation Retreat in Tamil Nadu
18th – 22nd May 2018 This retreat was held in Ariyalur district, Tamil Nadu and organised by local Alumni from all over the State of Tamil Nadu. Led by Dharmachari…
18th – 22nd May 2018 This retreat was held in Ariyalur district, Tamil Nadu and organised by local Alumni from all over the State of Tamil Nadu. Led by Dharmachari…
14th – 17th May 2018 This workshop for 10 alumni looked at the how to start an NGO and the questions that go with that, such as: How to run…
Women’s Day Celebration took place on 8th March 2018 in Manuski, Pune. 50 men and women from Pune participated on the program. There were 2 women speakers (lawyer and social…
Strategic Planning workshop of Chhattigarh Alliance Network was organised on 26nd February 2018 at Raipur attended by 37 women leaders from 12 districts of Chhattisgarh. Manjula Pradeep from Manuski conducted this…
A five days workshop was organized in Nagloka Nagpur from 9th to 13th February 2018. The workshop was conducted by Hozan Alan Senauke (Zen master) from California and Jill Jameson a social…
A three days program for alumni took place in Nagloka, Nagpur from 21st to 23rd January 2018. 25 alumni from 9 states attended the program. The workshop was led by Jan Fry,…
Manuski celebrated the 187th birth anniversary of Savitir Bai phule, the Social Revolutionary and the pioneer of women education in India on 8th Jan 2018. This program was organized by Manuski…
27th Nov 2017, Place: Mynagappally-P.O, Kollam Manuski team visited Mynagappally village, in Kollam district of Kerala. A meeting was held with NTI women alumni, their parents and the local social…
Date: 5th and 6th October 2017 A two day workshop was organized by Manuski in Nagaloka, Nagpur on How to document your work for the women alumni of NTI who…
Date: 6th – 9th September 2017 4 days network building meeting took place in Manuski, Pune from 6th to 9th September 2017. 11 alumni of NTI participated in the meeting…