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Sharda Zambre

Sharda Zambre is 46 years old hailing from Dalit community. She comes from Wardha and has finished 12th grade. She was involved in social activities before her marriage.  Sharda has shown her commitment towards her community, since she was young. She actively participated in Hunger strike for 16 days, as there was factory worker from Dalit community who was dismissed from his job. She demanded justice for this worker from the authorities.  The factory authorities succumbed to her demands and the dismissed worker was taken back on the job. Her involvement in social activities are mainly by supporting marginalized women and support them to gain self respect, dignity, making them self confident in various aspects, providing them legal support, and counseling.

Sharda came to know about Manuski through a senior Dalit woman activist, with whom she was working on women’s rights issues since 2004. Later on she became part of Manuski by attending various meetings and programs. This enabled her to learn more about laws relating to women’s rights and she gained more knowledge and information.

Sharda firmly believes that the marginalized women should be aware about various government schemes for their development and more focus should be given to the empowerment of widows. Her motto is “If any woman comes with a problem, then she should go with a smile on her face”. She is satisfied with what she has achieved so far, but still she wants to work more,  and also want to achieve more for women’s empowerment, and education for children from Banjara (Nomadic) community.

She wanted to become a politician and also wanted to contest for elections in 2011, but she faced the challenges from within the community and her son was arrested in a false case of eve teasing by the rival contestant. She was also put in the police custody for four days and hence she could not contest the elections.