Shivaji Ghule is a social activist from the so-called Dalit atrocity prone area in the economically underdeveloped Parbhani district of Marathwada region. He first came to Manuski in 2013 for training on the topic of “Capacity Building Training for Grassroots Social Workers and NGO leaders.” He established the organisation “Parivartan Gram Vikas Pratishtan” to enable work towards rural community issues. His organisation is engaged in the work of development of poor and marginalised communities, especially in the face of natural and human disasters. His organisation has a strong base of Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar philosophy and its members are committed to spreading this philosophy.
Work with Manuski:
Through Manuski’s capacity building program, Ghule gained an understanding of the legal requirements necessary for setting up an NGO, such as preparing and sending annual documents, audit reports, trust’s change reports etc to the Charity commissioner office and Income tax office. Now board members of his organisations have meetings (such as AGMs, trustee meetings) regularly and efficiently. Shivaji has attended a series of both basic and advanced training programs for Right to Information (RTI) Act conducted by Manuski. Consequently, he has filed various RTI applications in various Government departments to raise the voices of the oppressed and discriminated people in Parbhani region of Marathwada area. His organisation also played a vital role of intervening in some atrocity cases.
Through the support of Manuski, Ghule has also learnt the skill of mobilising resources needed to organise community programs. He has also begun working on the SCSP-TSP budget allocations for marginalised communities. Regarding the need to creating income in rural communities, he has initiated projects like organic farming, honey bee keeping etc.
He says “Manuski is a good organisation that I have encountered in Maharashtra, which is working for the benefit of Dalit- Adivasi and NT-DNT community’s rights”.