Archana Vaidya Bansode
Archana Vaidya-Bansode is a 32 year old woman from Scheduled caste community. Before coming to Pune, she lived in Vidyanagar in Amravati district. Her neighborhood was in a slum area. She…
Archana Vaidya-Bansode is a 32 year old woman from Scheduled caste community. Before coming to Pune, she lived in Vidyanagar in Amravati district. Her neighborhood was in a slum area. She…
Sharda Zambre is 46 years old hailing from Dalit community. She comes from Wardha and has finished 12th grade. She was involved in social activities before her marriage. Sharda has shown…
Vandana Praful Sonawane is 43 years old and hails from Pune district. She did her Masters in Social work and has been active in the social field for more than 14…
Mayadevi Sorte is a 39 year old woman from Scheduled caste community from Wadawal village in Latur District of Maharashtra. Latur district is located in Marathwada region, one of the most…
Dhammachari Maitreyaratna is one of the founders of Kalingamitra Trust, an NGO committed to social development work in Bolangir district of, Odisha, employing Buddhist principles of non-violence and self-sufficiency. The Organisation’s…
Nirmala Vasave is a young Adivasi woman hailing from the Adivasi belt of Akkalkuva block of Nandurbar District. Nandurbar is located in North eastern part of Maharashtra. She comes from this…
Punjaji Khandare became Advocate of the Phule-Shahu-Ambedkarite philosophy at a very young age. In 1990 PS (Popular by this name amongst his close friends) made very strong connection with “ Maharashtra…
Rajeshri Kale is 29 years old and hails from Pardhi community living at Datta Nagar, Pune. In 1952, the tribe was denotified as “criminal” and named as a nomadic tribe. However this has not…
Sanju Kamble teaches in a Government school, and simultaneously devotes a lot of his time in giving back to society in other ways too. He hails from Solapur district, and like…
Shantatai Yevatikar is 56 years old, born in a Dalit family in Nanded district of Maharashtra. She has worked under the State Employment Guarantee Scheme (SEGS), during which she got involved…