About the Project

The project is a pilot project initiated to enhance Nagaloka Alumni and its local civil society organizations’ capacities to address the social and economic rights of the marginalized to catalyze transparency & accountability of State. 

Mission and Vision

Through the fellowship program, the following specific objectives were aimed: 

  • Enriched capacities of Nagaloka fellows (NTI Alumni) in defending caste-based discrimination at district, State, and National levels.
  • Improved access to public entitlements by strengthening access to existing budgetary provisions & schemes and campaign for legislation at State.
  • Building communities breaking caste barriers.


Nagaloka Fellowship is a collaborative program between Manuski and Nagarjuna Training Institute (NTI) for NTI Alumni. Alumni work in local communities and State on issues of Social Justice, Education, Housing, Health, Training, responding discrimination and more.  In changing political scenario the challenges Dalits and Adivasis face are increasingly complex. The complex challenges require all community youths to activate across variety of sectors and leadership to understand and address challenges. Nagaloka Fellowship is a program to engage and develop thinking around policies and ideas shaping future of societies.

The Skills & Network

Competitively selected applicants will join the training and action program for a year, which includes exchange, exposure and engagement with communities, ideologies and experiences. The Nagaloka Fellows will take a lead in developing network of social activists and building alliances to address socio-economic rights of marginalised.

Fellowship provides access to and insight on the issues and the dynamics of those who are addressing socio-economic issues of marginalised. Its individual components include:

  • Workshops – Training workshop of Human Rights and Economic Rights of Dalits and Adivasis.
  • Exposure – Short term project in various sectors.
  • Exchange – Interstate and community engagement among fellows.

“Nagaloka Fellowships provides a stipend, but does not cover living expenses.”


Manuski invites applications from Nagarjuna Training Institute’s Women Alumni, who are interested to work in the social field or who are working in social field to apply for fraternity Fellowship.

Please fill the form below to apply. 

    Name /नाम* :
    Age/उम्र * :
    Place of Residence/निवास की जगह *:
    Current Occupation/वर्तमान व्यवसाय *:
    Phone Number/फ़ोन *:
    What is your year of Training period at Nagaloka and your batch no? /नागलोक में आपके प्रशिक्षण की अवधि क्या है और आपका बैच सं? *

    How many dhamma retreats you have attended conducted by NTI so far/एनटीआई द्वारा आयोजित धम्म रिट्रीट में आपने कितने बार भाग लिया है अब तक*:

    How many Social work and leadership trainings have you attended which are organized by NTI?/आपने कितने सामाजिक कार्यों और नेतृत्व प्रशिक्षणों में भाग लिया है जो एनटीआई द्वारा आयोजित किए गए हैं? *

    How many Alumni conference you have attended so far?/आपने अभी तक कितने पूर्व छात्र सम्मेलन में भाग लिया है? *

    Do you have a registered NGO?/क्या आपके पास एक पंजीकृत एनजीओ है? *

    [group ngo_yes]
    Name of the Organisation:
    Write a brief description about it/यदि हाँ, तो इसके बारे में एक संक्षिप्त विवरण लिखें:

    What activities are being conducted in the past six months, please upload a report with images/पिछले छह महीनों में क्या गतिविधियाँ संचालित की जा रही हैं,कृपया छवियों के साथ एक रिपोर्ट अपलोड करें: (PDF or Word Doc file below 6MB Only)

    Share your organization website, facebook page link/अपनी संस्था की वेबसाइट, फेसबुक पेज शेयर करें:


    Please mention your skill set/कृपया अपने कौशल सेट का उल्लेख करें *:

    Computer Skills/कंप्यूटर कौशल *:

    [group othercompskill_grp]
    Please mention other Computer Skill Known:

    Any future Plans/भविष्य की कोई योजना*:
