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Food and Ration Kit Distribution

Food and Ration kit distribution 

The ration kits were distributed to the 685 scavengers and other Dalit communities in 6 villages of each district namely Hisar, Kaithal, Karnal, Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra, etc. The Ration kit was given to Mahadalit widows and single women from the manual scavenger community including some other needy women. The Haryana Manuski Team has been able to reach out to those who are in distress and were in extreme need. The women who received the ration kit were pleased to thank us because they were in extreme need. Apart, 115 women and children of the Mahadalit community were provided a food packet in the villages of Haryana State. Due to the lockdown, the women and children of this community are suffering from anemia due to not getting nutritious food. And they did not even have water to drink. They shared the same with the Manuski Team and then the team resorted to the water service, with the help of Govt officials, in their colony. Moreover, dinner packets were provided for 5 days to the 70 houses. And at present water services are also fully functioning in their colony, along with health facilities.

Widows and single women said that they have not received any such support from anywhere. But the work is being done by Manuski has been very beneficial for their community. One of the women said that “The work that is being done by Manuski is not being done by anyone else in their location such as providing ration, health check-ups, distributing free medicines, arranging vehicles for letting them admitting to the hospital, etc. during the lockdown. They were thankful to us and our donors.